We want to make worship something that people can participate in easily.
This affects the songs we choose, the order we put them in, the words on the screen, the Scriptures we choose.
We don’t want to put any barriers up or do anything that would distract.
We believe what Jesus said in John 12:32-
“And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”Bay West Worship Team
“Before rehearsal and before services on Sunday mornings, our team spends time checking in with each other and praying for each other. This reminds us that we are not alone—not on the stage and not in our lives.

From this place of unity, we can point to God’s goodness in the service time and help the people gathered with us to recognize His power that is available to them as well.”

Interested in being a part?

Click here to find out about the expectations of the team and fill out the application to join.

Worship services:
10:15 Pre-service meeting
11:15 Sunday mornings
Worship Team Bible Study, Prayer and Rehearsal

7:00 Thursdays nights