When you come to Bay West, expect a friendly atmosphere. Expect to be greeted warmly. Our services are designed to be casual and friendly, yet thought-provoking and valuable to your everyday life.
Please don't get hung up on what to wear or how to act, that's not our concern. Our worship band, worship hosts and communicators have prepared to simply help people take one more step closer to God, not play Simon Cowell to your etiquette.

Sing the praises of the LORD, you his faithful people; praise his holy name.
- Psalm 30:4

Preaching at Bay West is...

While our Lead Pastor Jim Campbell is our primary communicator, we believe in teaching from multiple people, when we have the personnel to do so.

A sample of preaching...

He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he [Jesus] is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead.
- Acts 10:42



KIDzone is all about communicating Jesus and the truths of Scripture to children in a language they can understand. We strategically have designed the environment to not only help kids grow closer to Jesus, but also to provide parents with resources and opportunity to disciple their own children.

We partner with you to help you raise your children in Christ, we don't do it for you...we don't want to steal the privilege from you.

  • Bay West Praise and Worship Slacker Channel

    Like the pre and post-service music? Listen to our Slacker channel here, learn the service songs and be encouraged.

  • Use your smart device in the service

    Use the YOUVERSION Bible app to follow the sermon notes, take notes, share prayer requests, etc..

  • Miss a Sunday?

    No problem. Listen to the week you missed on our Vimeo channel, our iTunes video podcast, or this website.