Click the "Give Online" button to the left to give or take a look at the video below to see how easy it is.
How to give online
Text to Give
Ways to Give
During the worship service
There is a drop box that you can drop tithes and offerings in the form of cash or check into during our worship services. You can make checks payable to "Bay West Church" and use the offering envelopes provided for cash.
Give Online
You can use the "Give Online" button located at the top of this page to give.
Text to Give
You can text "84321" to give to Bay West Church. You can watch the video above for more info or just go through the process.
Accountability is important. We have strict guidelines in place to ensure good stewardship with integrity. All giving is tax deductible, and we keep records of your giving. We send all givers end of the year statements for them to use in reporting their taxes.
How to Download Your Giving Statement
We are so thankful for everyone who gives to Bay West Church. Financially each year. Even though the primary motivation is obedience to God, always, we are thankful for those who generously give so that we can minister to the community in a more effective way as we strive to make disciples here and everywhere for the glory of God.
Donations to Bay West Church are tax deductible, and giving statements are provided to those who have contributed in 2024 that you can use for your records or for your tax returns. We have emailed all the people statements that we have email addresses for on January 24, 2025.
If you would like to access your giving records, watch the video to see how