Our Mission
Making disciples here and everywhere for the glory of God
A DISCIPLE is someone who knows and follows Jesus,
is becoming more like Jesus, and
leads the lost and the saved closer to Jesus.
Everything begins and ends with Jesus!
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. -- Revelation 22:13
The journey starts with the GOSPEL (or "Good News") of JESUS!
Be here.
When you are in town,
Among friends.
A church is meant to be a family.
Your part.
Who you are reveals who God made Bay West to be.
Support the vision with your time, treasure and talents.
Our Core Values
When we started Bay West Church, some couples on our launch team met together several times over a period of time. Through prayer, fasting and working together, we feel that God led us to a set of core values we call "The 6".
We are conservative theologically, yet we are very open in methodology. There is nothing too old or nothing too new, only what God is leading us to do to bring people closer to Jesus.Jim Campbell, Lead Pastor
Ministry Team

Jim Campbell
Lead Pastor
email Jim
Jim is a passionate disciple maker who believes heavily in the power of one on one discipleship. In 2009, Jim took on the role of Campus Pastor to found the Bay West Campus of FBC Melbourne. In September 2017, he became the first Lead Pastor as Bay West Church became an autonomous church in Palm Bay.
His duties are to be the primary communicator, vision caster and leader of Bay West Church.

Penny Galloway
Children's Leader
Penny is from Ohio where she graduated from Ohio University with a degree in psychology & philosophy with a concentration in world religions. She and her husband Paul have been married for almost 27 years. They have 3 kids Hannah, Haileigh, and Noah. She has spent most of her life in radio broadcasting and voice-overs and has worked in ministry as a teacher , children’s director, and youth director. Currently she is working on her masters degree in mental health counseling.

Jose "Abi" Flores
Worship Leader
Bio and pic upcoming

Curtice Gough
Worship Tech Director
Curtice grew up in the Melbourne/Palm Bay area and came to know Christ as a young boy at FBC Melbourne. He's always had a passion for computers and technology, and after graduating with a computer science degree at Florida Tech, wants to use his skills in service of the Lord.
His duties at Bay West Church include managing the technical aspects of our worship services and leading the volunteers of our media team for Sundays.

Jim Campbell
Lead Pastor
email Jim
Jim is a passionate disciple maker who believes heavily in the power of one on one discipleship. In 2009, Jim took on the role of Campus Pastor to found the Bay West Campus of FBC Melbourne. In September 2017, he became the first Lead Pastor as Bay West Church became an autonomous church in Palm Bay.
His duties are to be the primary communicator, vision caster and leader of Bay West Church.

Barry Gault
Barry has an incredible servant heart. Barry is constantly a voice for the Gospel and is always looking to share Christ with others. A valued member of our Delivering Hope team, Barry is always hopeful, down to Earth and a constant encourager. He has been a member of the Bay West Family since almost day 1 and we are blessed to have his spiritual leadership on our team.

Albert Flowers
Albert "Cadets" Flowers and his wife, Lana, have been a part of Bay West Church since our early days of meeting at Heritage. Cadets serves in our Children's Ministry, KIDzone, teaching our elementary kids, as he and Lana have all through their stops in churches along the way. Former military, Cadets has served across the US and is now a permanent resident of Palm Bay, Florida. Cadets is kind, measured and a true follower of Jesus, and we are honored to have him on the team.

Bill Harris
Bill, and his wife Barb, have been a part of Bay West for a long time. Bill has served as a deacon, on our Counting Team and heads up our Delivering Hope Team, that ministers to people in the homeless camps in our community. Bill has always been a loyal servant of Bay West and is always available to help when someone needs it.
Also, a retired military man who faithfully served our country, Bill brings years of experience and leadership in the church and in service to the team, but most of all, he loves Jesus and faithfully tries to follow Him, leading our people to do the same.
"Don't just COME to church, BE the church."
our beliefs
We are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, the Florida Baptist Convention and the Brevard Baptist Association. Our statement of faith is the Baptist Faith and Message, 2000 edition. Listed below are our beliefs about specific areas of Scripture.
If you'd like to download a print copy of the above beliefs, click here.
Want to worship with us?
If you would like to come and be a part of Bay West Church, let us know you are coming, and we'll be happy to have someone show you around in person.